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Assisted Selling

Every consumer marketplace is saturated with information that shouts for attention and crowds the attention of decision makers. Understanding the touchpoints, the go-to influencers and the consumer is how LEX Collective delivers a superior service.

Well-executed Assisted Selling anticipates buyer sensitivities and engages the consumer in a buying experience that enriches the retail environment and drives loyalty and incremental sales.

We have been investing in Assisted Sales personnel over a range of settings for manufacturers and retailers over ten years. Let us help you deliver an informed shopper experience.


The value of retail merchandising has never been more important in this cluttered shopper environment. Buyer messaging is constant across multiple media on and off-line and cut through is often found only at the journey into and at the store.

Appearances can be everything and how your brand looks at the point of purchase ensures you have the highest opportunity to increase sales of your product.

Our field teams provide a complete service from on-shelf availability, planograms and presells, as well as turn-in orders.


Gaining direct access to shoppers can be difficult. Sampling provides an access point in a relatable environment to shoppers, as well as valuable unfiltered consumer feedback to clients.

Sampling is the most powerful way to influence a decision about your product. If your product is trialled via sampling and it tastes good or meets or exceeds expectations, then conversion has proved to be up to four times the expected weekly sales of that product.

Make it easy for consumers to choose to purchase your product by sampling in-store today!


Generating a story around a brand and influencing buyer behaviour comes with engagement – and experiences resonate with shoppers. Experiences speak loudly to taste and touch and sight.

You can gain a competitive advantage and reinforce the offer of your product by giving consumers the opportunity to form an emotional attachment to your brand through direct engagement.

Let us work with you to fulfil your strategy and design, and activate your next brand activity.

Have an idea? Let’s do something great together!